Since 1966, Medicare has successfully covered many healthcare expenses for senior and disabled Americans and was accepted by most healthcare providers. However, at The Pain Intervention Center, we believe that Medicare has become a “one size fits all” system with complicated bureaucratic policies, offering less than ideal care for its members. At this time, Medicare reimbursements to doctors do not even cover the costs of many medical services (as illuminated by this recent FierceHealthcare article). For example, Medicare reimbursements fail to cover our office’s supplies, personnel, rent and equipment. You may be shocked to hear that procedures performed in a hospital outpatient setting are reimbursed up to 4x as much as Dr. Waring and The Pain Intervention Center for the same exact procedure. Furthermore, Medicare’s rigid guidelines and red tape have specifically limited interventional pain treatment options for members. At The Pain Intervention Center, we are committed to alleviating pain for everyone, regardless of their age or financial situation. For these reasons, Dr. Waring chose to opt out of the Medicare program in March 2018. We initially set our fees to match insurance reimbursement, and yet, these rates have still proven to be too much for many of our patients. So, effective immediately (March 2019) — for our Medicare program patients ONLY — we are deeply discounting our interventional pain services by over 50%. For example, we have lowered the total cost for epidural steroid injections and medial branch blocks to a mere $500. (Note: radio-frequency neurotomy denervation procedures are more costly, due to a larger volume of work and cost of supplies.) The Pain Intervention Center’s discounted rate for Medicare patients covers their visit on the day of the procedure, our doctor and facility fees, all supplies and even a complimentary follow-up visit with us. We feel strongly that senior and disabled pain sufferers should have the right to choose their physician, facility and form of treatment. We are proud to continue to provide our effective procedures to Medicare patients in the Greater New Orleans Area at these new affordable rates. If you would like to learn more about our Medicare discounts, please don’t hesitate to call us today: (504)-455-2225. Back to Blog Home