Don’t wait for the system. Take control of your pain now. If you have job-related neck, back, or joint pain, then you know how frustrating the workers compensation medical system can be. You just want to get meaningful pain relief without red tape, surgery or addictive pills. Too often, patients with legitimate pain get the run-around filled with denials and delays. Workers Compensation Problem. CLICK HERE TO READ OUR INTERACTIVE BROCHURE The workers comp insurance claims process is slow and confusing. Claim denials and treatment delays occur all too often. Most medical facilities and care providers do not know how to navigate the complex process that governs medical care for injured workers. Most injured workers do not know their legal rights to self-direct their own medical care. You can choose your own physician- no referral is necessary. We understand. Dr. Waring and his team at The Pain Intervention Center understand these roadblocks to care and have created a Workers Compensation Program to help guide our patients through the slow, frustrating workers comp process. The Pain Intervention Center Solution. Our staff works quickly to schedule your appointment and evaluate your condition. Independent, expert medical consultation and evaluation – no referral is required. Completion of the Workers Compensation documents and management of the complex approval process. Obtain approvals from workers comp insurance carriers for MRI’s, physical therapy, and needed assistive devices. Non-narcotic medical management Minimally invasive Flouroscopic-Guided Spine Procedures such as transforaminal epidural steroid injections and radiofrequency facet denervation for neck and arm or back and leg pain. All procedures are performed under carefully monitored conscious sedation. Our goal is to provide the most pain-free interventional experience possible. All procedures are performed in our state-of-the-art facility conveniently located in Old Metairie in the heart of Greater New Orleans. Your wellbeing is our top priority. Visit the Pain Intervention Center today to discover how we can help you.